“The team at ProLingua provides fast, reliable service. The use of the finest linguists and exceptional management make them the leaders in their field. Highly recommend!”

Judy Nelson

BP Consulting Agency

“We were very impressed with the level of personal service we received from this exceptional team. Our company will be using ProLingua again in the future and would recommend them to others.”

Terry Fisher

GTI Group

“My team has been very happy with the translations we have received thus far. Your account manager is a consummate professional and we have been extraordinarily pleased with all projects.”

Laurence Rideout

VP Engineering

Global Language Coverage
Experts in Over 170 Languages

English 98%
German 82%
French 93%
Spanish 74%

Meet Our Team

Oxford University, UK

Detmold University, DE
Seoul National University, KR

University of Arts London, UK
Parsons School of Design, US


Matthew Park

Korea University, KR

London School of Economics, UK
Seoul National University, KR
LVMH, Hanwha Group

Cass Business School, UK
Samsung Electronics

“We invest in personnel, technological innovations and infrastructure and have established regional and international offices to continue to meet the growing demand of language services worldwide.”

CEO & Founder



상호: 주식회사 뷰파인더 | 대표자: 서 원 | 사업자등록번호: 622-88-00564 | 통신판매업신고: 2019-서울서초-4221호 | 주소: 서울시 서초구 효령로 77길 34, 1024호

계좌정보: 신한은행 140-011-641467(예금주: ㈜뷰파인더) | 대표전화: 02-6929-4405(월-금, 10am-7pm) | 이메일: hello@kaiott.com | 개인정보보호 책임자: 이장원



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